A weight inclusive, non-diety dietitian

What do "Weight-Inclusive" and "Non-Diet" Actually Mean?

Here at Complete Dietetics, our dietitians work from a weight inclusive, non-diet space. If you've never before stumbled upon the terms "weight-inclusive" and "non-diet," you might be wondering what they mean and how they relate to our practice. Allow us to explain.

Weight inclusivity is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves to receive healthcare with respect and without judgment, regardless of their body shape or size. It's a response to combatting weight stigma, which encompasses negative attitudes and stereotypes directed at individuals based on their weight.

The term "non-diet" is used by dietitians who steer away from restrictive, weight-focused diets. Instead, we align with the Health at Every Size principles emphasising mindful and intuitive eating. It's about removing the pressure for weight loss, and instead, focus on nutrition education and building positive behaviour changes to find sustainable nutrition solutions and reach your unique health goals!

The Complete Dietetics Approach

So now that you have an understanding of what these terms mean, let me explain what this looks like in practice. We know that many people are fearful of seeing a dietitian as they expect a judgement of their current diet and that they’ll be told to cut out the foods that bring them joy. While some dietitians do work like this, here at Complete Dietetics, that will never be the case.

We Embrace ~

We Embrace ~

The team of complete dietetics outside the office in Geelong, Melbourne

It is important to point out that your safety is always our number one priority. We will only begin to work through these steps when we have first established that you are medically safe to do so. By that we mean that we have ruled out underlying health issues and make sure you are eating adequately!

Encouraging body awareness: We assist you in recognising and responding to your body's hunger and fullness signals, fostering mindful eating practices and developing trust in your body's cues.


Celebrating food freedom: We dispel diet myths and promote a healthy relationship with food, guiding you to enjoy a diverse range of foods without judgment or guilt.


Celebrating body diversity: We embrace the beauty of all body shapes and sizes, moving away from weight-centred objectives and encouraging you to appreciate your current body and all that it does for you.


Encouraging joyful movement: We support you in finding enjoyable and sustainable ways to stay active, focusing on the pleasure and benefits of movement rather than weight management.


Nutrition education: We embrace the beauty of all body shapes and sizes, moving away from weight-centred objectives and encouraging you to appreciate your current body and all that it does for you.


Why We Practice in This Way

To wrap up, let’s talk about why this is our approach. As dietitians, we've seen firsthand the harm weight stigma and diet culture inflicts on clients' health and well-being. A lot of people have been told by well-meaning friends, family, other health professionals, and even by the internet, that the solution to all their problems is to lose weight. 

Despite what they promise, it has been scientifically proven that diets often fail to achieve sustainable weight loss. In fact, research shows that the majority of individuals who follow a weight-loss diet end up regaining the lost weight (and then some) within five years. 

It's important to note that weight regain itself is not inherently negative. Instead, the research highlights the ineffectiveness of traditional dieting approaches. Moreover, engaging in dieting behaviours is associated with poorer mental and physical health outcomes, increased body dissatisfaction, and heightened risk of developing disordered eating patterns or clinical eating disorders.

We are evidenced-based dietitians. And, the evidence shows that using this approach helps you to…

Reconnect with your body's internal cues of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction

Enjoy a diverse range of foods without experiencing guilt or anxiety

Discover enjoyable and sustainable forms of physical activity

Enhance your comfort and confidence in your body

Reduce the risk of chronic diseases and manage existing ones with compassion

Escape the cycle of weight fluctuations commonly associated with traditional dieting, leading to improvements in health markers such as blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol etc.

Embrace and care for your body as it is now

We hope this clears things up for you and gives you a peek into what you can expect if you come and work with us here at Complete Dietetics. Rest assured, your health and happiness are always our number one priority.

 Welcome to Complete Dietetics - Your Trusted Dietitian in Melbourne

At Complete Dietetics, we're passionate about empowering individuals and families in Melbourne and beyond with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to lead healthier lives. Our expert team, led by certified dietitians and nutritionists, is dedicated to providing personalised nutrition advice tailored to each client's unique lifestyle, dietary preferences, and health goals.

Personalised Nutrition Counseling in Melbourne

Located in Geelong, Complete Dietetics offers a range of nutrition counseling services designed to address your specific health concerns. Whether you're navigating weight management, seeking support for digestive disorders, managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, or simply striving for a healthier lifestyle, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.